Thursday, December 26, 2013

Is Christ Gone From "Christ"mas?

I love spending time with family on Christmas, and we try hard to not go crazy with the gift buying. However, I really wonder why we even call Christmas "Christmas" anymore. The stress, worry, and obsessiveness with stuff clearly says Christ has basically been forgotten. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the "Keep Christ in Christmas" gestures, but the reality is that He's been removed. Our actions speak much louder than the nice statements we put on shirts, signs, and bumper-stickers. Our behavior gives much more perspective on how most people view Christmas than the crafty sermons we may preach and/or listen to within our churches.

According to the Pew Forum, 73% of Americans identify themselves as "Christians." A quick review of the gospels would clearly reveal our nation has greatly misunderstood what it means to be a Christian. Nevertheless, at least in the terms of what America has come to know as Christianity, "Christians" are to blame as much as anyone for the Christ-less-ness of Christmas since we "account" for 73% of the population.

Yes, I know, it ultimately comes down to how we each respond to Christmas and to Christ. Regardless though, many people today (the day after Christmas) will have more stuff in their homes because of "Christ"mas yet they care very little about whether or not they will live surrendered to Jesus Christ as Lord. I'm amazed by how our seemingly "politically correct" culture isn't offended by the fact their money-making machine known as "Christ"mas primarily exists because of the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ, who they've deemed to be politically "in-correct".

I don't have an answer that'll work to resolve this issue, and maybe all I've done is state the obvious. I just know the things that I wrestle with within myself lead me to feel like I'm often swimming upstream even in the midst of the waters known as "church" and "Christianity." However, I guess the result of going against the flow will only make me stronger and more desperate in my pursuit to know Jesus simply and authentically.

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